Village Network

Neighbors living and loving Jesus together.


Our Vision.

The church isn’t an event you attend, spectate and consume. The church is a people to whom you belong and who belong to you, whom you know and who know you, whom you love and who love you. We believe that this sort of community is made possible by and found only in Jesus, and by following him together, we can discover the good and abundant life in his kingdom. We invite you to discover it with us.


We Are.

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We believe the church is more than an event. Jesus calls the church to be an embodiment of His life, to be a visual, physical representation of His body in the world. We are the church as neighbors—people we live next to, go get coffee with, stop and talk with on the sidewalk, meet up at the park with—so that as we love God and one another, our life together as neighbors might offer a glimpse into the heart and life of God for those in our city.

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We love to eat. We believe the table is a profoundly human place. No matter who we are or where we come from, we all come to the table needy—hungry needing food and drink. Yet it is at the table that we also are offered to enjoy the undeserved provision of God. Jesus tells us that we are to enjoy the table in remembrance of the provision He has made for our life in laying down His own. We set that table for one another and our neighbors in the city.

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We love stories. They have the powerful ability to tap into our deepest longings and desires, our secret hurts and pains. We believe the story God tells in the Scriptures is the true story of the whole world—that it is the big Story that makes sense of all of our little stories. We tell the story of the Scriptures with our lips and our lives, our poetry and our praise, our songwriting and our homemaking.

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We love our city. We believe Jesus has called us here to map the the mountains and the valleys, the places of rest and of hazard, the streams of refreshment and the dry wells, the places of habitation and the barren places—so that we might chart a course and signal the way in our city toward Christ our King.


The church is a people.


Gather With Us.

The church is a people, so the church can’t be contained to a time slot on one day of the week. But we do believe that part of the church’s life together is intentionally setting apart one day of the week to open the Scriptures together, sing together, pray together, and share a meal together. You are always welcome to join us!

We also gather regularly throughout the week as well. Be sure to check out our upcoming gatherings on the Gatherings page.

Every Sunday @ 4:30 PM

DM us on Instagram for location!